Aloha SAAH Members and friends, Feel free to use this page to ask questions, share interesting information, tell stories, help others, or just hang around and talk story. Please refrain from discussing politics or any controversial topics! This page is open to the public to view too, so keep that in mind.
First click on the red “Comments” text on the bottom left.
You can read through the comments that others have typed and/or type out your own message into the box above the black ‘post comment’ button
Note: If you’re writing a long message, it may be better to type it into an text document or word processor outside of this website first, then save it. Once you’re finished typing, you can highlight all the text, then copy and paste it into the comment box below.
After all your text is in the box, Double check for any mistakes. Once posted, you cannot go back and edit or delete your message.
Click “Post Comment” button.
You will need to enter your name and email address to post. Only your first name will be visible. Your last name and email address will be hidden from other users.
If you want to comment on other people’s messages, you can click on the small arrow in the top right corner immediately above their message.